This simple smoothie recipe is easy to make, it is pure veg and it helps to maintain a healthy weight…so enjoy cooking and let us know if you like it…
Ingredients for 4 glasses:
• 3 bananas
• 1 pear chopped in quarters
• 1 apple chopped in quarters
• 1 cup of chilled soy milk
• 1 scoop of pear sherbet
• 4 tsp of oat bran
• 3 tsp of agave nectar
• A bar of dark chocolate chopped in
small pieces (to use as garnish)
Directions :
Place all ingredients into a blender and mix
for about 1 minute until it gets smooth.
Cooking & PreparationTime: 5 minutes
• Pears and apples are a good source of dietary fiber and a good source of vitamin C.
Most of the vitamin C, as well as the dietary fiber, is contained within the skin of the fruit so don’t peel them while chopping in quarters.
• Bananas have also a good amounts of health benefiting anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins, they are a good source of vitamin-B6 and a very rich source of potassium.
• Like rice milk and almond milk, soy milk is safe for those who suffer from lactose intolerance, it is also low in fat.
• Homemade sugar free pear sherbet is easy to make.
• Oat bran slows down sugar and fat absorption it also helps lower cholesterol, besides it brings a feeling of fullness.
• Dark chocolate has recently been discovered to have a number of healthy benefits, it is good for your heart and your brain, it helps control blood sugar, it is full of antioxidants and high in vitamins and minerals.
(If you follow a diet, don’t use agave nectar in this recipe)
- Tablecloth style “Jaisalmer” (col Sand/White) and Dinnerware by RED HALO.
- Tray, Mug and small Bowl by Good Earth.